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Albumize is a tool for manipulating mp3 albums.
It can be used to fix and check albums.

Albumize manipulates and checks basic properties of albums. Properties include
the artist, album, track titles, number of tracks, track bitrates, etc, etc.

When an album is first loaded albumize tries to guess all of these. Artist and
Album are grabbed from the directory name. Track titles and numbers are grabbed
from the mp3 filename. Bitrate and Track lengths are grabbed from the mp3's
themselves. Etc.

The point of albumize is to reorganize these properties and have them fixed on
the underlying representation, or to check that everything is consistent.

You can manipulate the properties through the fix's, and check the properties
through the checklist.


These are examples of things I commonly do. I added verbosity to every command
because it will help the user understand whats happening, but you can do it all
without verbosity.


I have an album, but I don't like the names and/or it is tagged incorrectly:

albumize -vv -f"CDDB,tags" ./311\ -\ 311

Or just use the "all" fix set which is the same as {CDDB,tags}

albumize -vv -f"all" ./311\ -\ 311

Oh, but that only works if there is a matching CDDB Entry. What If you just want
the tracks retagged, based on the directory name?

albumize -vv -f"tags" ./311\ -\ 311

What if it currently matches a CDDB entry, but I want to rename it to a
different one?

albumize -vv -f"rename" ./311\ -\ 311

That basically does it for fixing.


I have an album, I want to check that it matches CDDB entry

albumize -vv -c"CDDB" ./311\ -\ 311

Or I want to check that every album in my collection is synced to a CDDB entry

albumize -vv -r -c"CDDB" ./collection

But I actually want to check that no tracks are missing, and the bitrates make
sense etc:

albumize -vv -r -c"all" ./collection

But in actuality, not every album you have will match a CDDB entry, so I usually

albumize -vv -r -c"most" ./collection

If I want to clean my collection:

albumize -vv -r -c"most" --exec-failure="mv {} ./bad" ./collection


A lot of times I download a bunch of crap, and I want to grab all the decent
rips from my downloads directory. And put them elsewhere.

albumize -vv -r -f"all" -c"all" --exec-success="mv {} ./good/" ./downloads

But then it tries to find CDDB matches for all these incomplete downloads with
only a few files in them So I limit whats considered an album to minimum of 5

albumize -vv -m5 -r -f"all" -c"all" --exec-success="mv {} ./good/" ./downloads